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Member Spotlight: Lisa France

February 15, 2020 9:00AM

Meet Lisa France!

 Insights and Customer Experience Manager @ 3M. Member since January 2001.

Why did you decide to join sbf胜博发登录? I have a master’s degree in the Social Sciences (not an MBA!) and I thought the sbf111胜博发 would be the perfect place for me to learn about how business-context insights can support marketing.

What’s one of your favorite sbf胜博发登录 events and why? The Minnesota Chapter invited Stan Phelps (author of the Goldfish books) to speak about customer experience design. His message about leveraging your/your company’s ‘weirdness’ and what makes you/your company different instead of hiding it really resonated with me.

Why is being a member of sbf胜博发登录 important to youI will always maintain that you should be an active participant of at least one professional organization-regardless of which one you choose. The Minnesota Chapter is important to me for two reasons: when I had to quit a job, my sbf111胜博发 network was there for me. The second reason is I’ve met the most wonderful human beings through the sbf111胜博发 throughout the years. People who are not just a part of my professional network, but those who I consider to be some of my best friends.

What’s the one thing you wish others knew about sbf胜博发登录? What makes it unique? The Minnesota Chapter is just big enough to be interesting, but small enough where you can get to know everyone.

What is some of the best advice you’ve received in your career? I’m going to be honest: I have received enough bad advice to write a book. As for the best, I take very seriously the assertion that you should be in charge of your own career. Do not wait for people to see your genius or to follow your passion. Be your own advocate..

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I am a co-crew leader in the mammal nursery at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Roseville (I raise baby squirrels!) and when I’m not at work, you can find me networking, reading (mostly customer experience books right now, but also one on Hitler) or at Hoppy Hour at the Animal Humane Society with my bunnies.

Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn!